To my first baby: Happy 4th Birthday to my wonderful, spirited, artistic, clever, beautiful, kind, funny and witty troublemaker. I am so lucky to be your mom and I am grateful every day to have you as my child. I know that you will grow into a wonderful person and I am thrilled to see you becoming that person right before my eyes. I never realized how much I could love someone until I had you. I wish you health and happiness till 120!
Today we’re celebrating a birthday!
Lulu was so excited for this day and to celebrate with all her friends that I had to explain to her multiple times that her birthday party won’t be happening for a couple more days and today would be just our family celebrating. I told her we can have a special dinner and go to any restaurant she wants. “McDonald’s!!!” she exclaimed excitedly.
“Really?” I said incredulously
“Yeah! I want a happy meal for my birthday!”
“We can probably just buy you a happy meal box and toy without eating there if you want to eat somewhere else” Said Husband
“Um… No. I want McDonald’s fries for dinner!”
So off to McDonald’s we went for a special birthday dinner. Lulu was excited. She got a happy meal with chicken mcnuggets, fries, apple slices, chocolate milk and a “slobbering puppy” emoji toy. Which means that we arrived at home after eating dinner with a box of chicken mcnuggets, fries, apple slices, chocolate milk and a “slobbering puppy” emoji toy.
When Husband and I were done our dinners and Lulu was nowhere close to eating anything – she took exactly one bite of one nugget – Husband and I each ate one of her nuggets. When she saw me eating it, she, rightly so, told me it isn’t nice to steal food from people. Then she proceeded to LOUDLY tell me “You’re done your food. You don’t need more food. You’re taking too much food”. Instead of saying what I really wanted to say, I said “You didn’t like that mommy took a chicken nugget from you without asking”. A pause followed by a quiet “yeah”. I apologized while internally rolling my eyes because after all that, I now have two leftover nuggets going stale at home with a single bite out of them. Who knows, maybe Lulu will want some stale birthday nuggets and fries for breakfast tomorrow.
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